AB II-24


Franz Liszt


an intermediate version (Urtext)

edited by
Albert Brussee

When I first researched Franz Liszt’s Mazeppa music in the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv in Weimar in the summer of 1986, I found under catalogue number GSA60/I80 a sketch that evidently had to do with the Mazeppa study. The sketch was written on two pages. The first five bars were noted down on p. 23 of Vol. I of the Grandes études, removed from the Haslinger edition. The notes for the left hand were crossed out and replaced with a ‘Correctus’, which was pasted on the bottom of the same page. The completely different sequel was written on a blank sheet of music paper. Inserting this total of 20 bars in the first version of the Mazeppa study (1841) creates an alternative version of this work, which can be considered as the ‘missing link’ between the early and final versions of this composition, the fourth of the Études d’exécution transcendante. When this ‘Intermediate Version’ was composed is uncertain – the sketch in undated – but it must have been somewhere between 1847 and 1851, the year in which the final version of the Mazeppa etude came into being, in which Liszt followed the harmonic path presented in the sketch.



© 2019 AB Music Productions & Editions – The Hague, The Netherlands.
ISBN: 978-94-632387-1-7.
Preceded by a Preface in Dutch and English and followed by a detailed text-critical comment and some remarks concerning the interpretation (only in English); 32 pages.


When I for the first time did research in the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv in Weimar in 1986, I found a sketch that evidently had to do with the genesis of the Mazeppa study. The sketch was written on two pages. Inserting these 20 bars in the early version of the Mazeppa study (1841) an intermediate version arises, the ‘missing link’ between that early version and the final one from 1851.

