
9 November 2024
Book presentation Franz Liszt in the Netherlands during the annual congress of EPTA-Netherlands at the Akoesticum in Ede, starting 16:00 hrs. Musical accompaniment will be provided by pianist Tobias Borsboom, who will perform several compositions which Liszt himself played in the Netherlands. He will also perform a brief waltz that the great pianist composed in The Hague for his beloved Marie d’Agoult in Paris. This waltz is a completely unknown, charming, not very difficult piece reproduced at the back of my book, and also available as a sheet music edition (AB-II-29).

7 October 2024
In the year 1991, I offered my father, the well-known schoolbook author H.G. Brussee, a catalogue of his extensive oeuvre, preceded by a brief biography and followed by an anthology of his works. It was a simple home edition, not intended for public sale. I revised, expanded and republished that book in the course of this year: a memoir of over 200 pages, published in full-colour, and illustrated with many photos and the often beautiful covers of his books. For more information, see WRITINGS > Books & Brochures > AB-III-05.

26 October 2024
On Saturday 26 October, the annual Liszt Day, organised by the Franz Liszt Circle, takes place in the Westvest90-church in Schiedam, starting at 14:00. The central topic of the day is ‘Liszt’s song transcriptions’. The programme opens with a lieder recital by the renowned bass-baritone Marc Pantus, accompanied at the piano by Daan Boertien. Next, I will give a lecture on the genre song transcription and explore the subject in greater detail with the help of two songs – the wonderful Auf Flügeln des Gesanges by Mendelssohn and Gute Nacht by Schubert. The day will conclude with a piano recital by pianist Ketevan Sharumashvili, who will perform the grandiose Dante Sonata alongside some keyboard arrangements (Wagner-Liszt; Schubert-Liszt).

Entrance €25; for donors of the Franz Liszt Circle €20.